Health & Safety

At Solex Thermal Science, we are dedicated to making a positive impact, starting at our own doorstep. We believe that providing a healthy, safe, and sustainable workplace is essential to the well-being of our stakeholders while also ensuring that we can provide a high level of service to our customers. We implement this Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) policy through the many elements of our HSE and supporting management systems.

Guiding principles

Guided by our values and in alignment with our Code of Conduct, we aim to:

  • Include health, safety, and environmental considerations in both our short- and long-term business decisions.  
  • Meet or exceed all applicable health, safety, and environmental compliance requirements in all our operating jurisdictions and verify performance through audits.
  • Promote a healthy, safe, and sustainable workplace by ensuring all employees are cognizant of their critical role and responsibilities in fulfilling the objectives of this policy and are supported at all levels of management.
  • Empower our people and collaborate with cross-functional teams in all operating jurisdictions to establish the right programs and plans to sustainably advance our journey.
  • Provide resources to support our HSE management system and enable our employees with the training and tools they need to work safely and minimize the impact of our operations on the environment.
  • Operate and maintain our facilities in a manner that prioritizes employee health and safety, conserves natural resources and protects the environment.
  • Continuously assess and manage the risks to people, the environment and the business.
  • Proactively work with our contractors, vendors and supply chain partners to promote their adoption of, and adherence to, effective health, safety and environmental practices.
  • Communicate health, safety and environmental policies, programs, issues, and, as applicable, mitigative measures to employees and stakeholders.
  • Continuously improve our health, safety and environmental performance.
  • Promote a positive culture by encouraging feedback at all levels, monitoring emerging issues and keeping informed of regulatory changes, technological advancements and stakeholder interests to implement effective and sustainable solutions.

Contact Us

For any questions regarding this policy or to report a safety concern, please contact us at

Peter Menchenton



Peter Menchenton
Director, HSE & Sustainability
Solex Thermal Science