Solex, phosphates and feeding the world

Fertilizer Field NEW
CRU Phosphates an opportunity to recognize fertilizers’ role in meeting the demand for food

Solex Thermal Science is excited to return to CRU Phosphates, which this year will take place as a virtual conference and exhibition from March 23 to 25.

Solex will be among representatives from more than 40 countries that will be on hand to discuss the supply, demand and technical dynamics shaping the global phosphates supply chain.

In addition to Solex being on hand as an exhibitor, Igor Makarenko, Global Fertilizer Director at Solex, will be presenting March 25 on the role of indirect heat and cooling technology for phosphate applications. Check the conference schedule for exact times.

IFA 019 PhosFacts Plants V2In recognition of the role that phosphates play in the world around us, we wanted to take this opportunity to highlight their impact on the global food chain – specifically how mineral fertilizers are helping to feed the world.

Food security

The world’s population is expected to reach 9.7 billion people by 2050, meaning the agricultural sector will need to increase its productivity by 60 per cent compared to 2005 levels to meet the increasing demand for food. Yet available arable land is expected to simultaneously decrease.

Fertilizers are expected to support the growing need for sustainable agricultural production and global food security. According to the International Fertilizer Association, half the food we eat today is produced thanks to mineral fertilizers.


Fourteen nutrients have been shown to be essential for plants. If essential plant nutrients are not available or lacking, then that impacts plant growth and thus the yield.

Micronutrient malnutrition, also referred to as “hidden hunger,” impacts more than two billion people in the world today, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Micro-enriched fertilizer is considered one of the best solutions to fighting malnutrition and extending the lifecycle of food overall.

The ‘P’ in NPK

Phosphorus, along with nitrogen and potassium (NPK), are important components of fertilizers that vital crops such as canola, corn, rice and wheat rely on to grow. Phosphorus enhances the natural structure and nutrients of soil, thereby improving crop yields.

The main source of phosphorus in fertilizer is phosphate rock. The rock is turned into fertilizer through chemical processes involving acidification. The most widely used phosphorus-based fertilizers are Di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) and Mono-ammonium phosphate (MAP).

Did you know?

Solex’s indirect cooling technology can handle the full spectrum of commercially produced fertilizers ranging from DAP and MAP to ammonium sulphate (AS), potash, urea, ammonium nitrate and CAN.

Learn more by visiting our virtual booth at CRU Phosphates, which will include demonstration videos, product handouts and more. Or contact us directly.

This entry was last updated on 2022-6-14

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