Solids Matter — Summer 2023

The conversations we enjoy

Welcome to the Summer 2023 edition of Solids Matter!

I often get asked what we do at Solex. I use this opportunity to explain we are a technology company that sells our IP embedded in the equipment we engineer, design and fabricate. This inevitably leads to the next question about what our equipment is, what it does and what is the IP that is embedded in it. These are the conversations I truly enjoy  that is, engaging in a dialogue that goes beyond just the "selling" of moving bed heat exchangers.

And I'm not alone. All of us here at Solex are driven to have engaging conversations, as you will see in our recent Solids Matter newsletter.

One of the activities that has kept us busy this past winter and spring is attending conferences and trade shows around the world. We do this because it provides the opportunity to meet face-to-face and engage with you and learn about the challenges you are facing.

Underpinning our desire to engage with you is our passion to apply Solex's IP and technology in ways that make positive changes. This is illustrated in the different articles and blog posts that are showcased in this newsletter. By understanding your needs, we are finding new ways to improve your operations and the world around us  for example, reducing the amount of primary energy used in industrial process, or improving air quality in the workplace. This also aligns with Our Commitment to ESG.

Lastly, since our last newsletter, we have added some new young talent to the Solex team that I would like to introduce you to. I really enjoying working with our younger professionals because they come with new ideas and the passion and enthusiasm to get things done. I am betting on them to help us make the changes that get us all to where we need to be.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Solids Matter. We look forward to hearing from you, because at Solex, we aspire to empower you with world-class, technology-based solutions.

Summer 2023 edition of Solids Matter



Lowy Gunnewiek
Chief Executive Officer
Solex Thermal Science 

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